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RSS Channel: Health – Vogue Drift
All About Fashion, Beauty, Styles!

Modern Fertility Review: Does It Help Your Reproductive Health?
Deciding to have a baby is a huge step in any woman’s life. It requires a lot from your mind and body, which is why you need to take extra care of yourself when you’re ready to have a child. One of the best ways to care for yourself during this time is to understand […]
10 Wellness Trends to Note in 2024
Our first thought was “wellness has never been bigger, broader or cooler than it was in this year”, actually wellness is becoming even cooler and bigger this year. This year wellness is taking a center stage in every aspect of our lives. From the Hollywood CEOs, to the star on silver screen and even our […]
CBDistillery Review: Are Their CBD Oil Products Worth It?
Many people cringe or raise their eyebrows when Millennials and startup companies talk about the benefits of cannabidiol, better known to the world as CBD. There’s still a stigma attached to CBD as something that isn’t good for the health, but that’s a complete myth. CBD is actually very beneficial for anyone going through injury, […]
10 Hair Loss Myths and Truths You Need to Know!
Hair loss is a common problem faced by a vast majority of the global population. There are a dozen and more reasons for hair loss in men and women but it is the myths around hair loss that are tough to deal with. These myths are shared by people on social channels and they get […]
How to Get a Bigger, Better Butt Fast
Who doesn’t want a gorgeous butt they can show off and be proud of in bikini bottoms or tight jeans? A better butt isn’t out of your reach. In fact, the luscious booty you’ve always dreamed of can be yours in no time with the right amount of commitment and effort. 1. Do Your Squats […]
6 Most Accurate Bathroom Scales 2024- Body Composition Monitor for All
6 Most accurate scales for weight There are few things in life that are more frustrating than an inaccurate bathroom scale.  When you weigh yourself in the morning, you don’t want to have to spend the rest of your day worrying if the number on the scale was actually lower or higher than what you […]
17 Simple Healthy Ways to Lose Weight in Just 20 Days
Studies show that at least 5 in every 10 people want to lose weight. This means many of us are very unhappy with the weight that we are in now. However, the key to weight loss is focusing on living a healthy lifestyle in general. We have all been there where we lose a few […]
10 Best Exercise Bikes for Weight Loss 2024: Best Exercise Bike to Lose Weight
Losing weight and getting in shape is a priority for many of us. However, not all of us have sufficient time or energy to go to the gym and be there for hours. That is when an at home exercise equipment may come in handy. One of the best exercise equipments are exercise bikes. Exercise bikes […]
18 Frequently Asked Questions about the Keto Diet
The keto diet is gaining popularity all the time, but people have lots of questions that need answering before they can be sure it’s right for them.  So let’s get started right away with a quick explanation and then move on to the most frequently asked questions about the keto diets! 1. What is the […]
Side Effects of the Keto Diet and How to Minimize Them Simply
The keto diet is a good way to lose weight and it has several variations that are called therapeutic keto diets. Therapeutic keto diets can help with diabetes Type 2, brain function, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, support those undergoing cancer treatment, improve polycystic ovary syndrome and acne skin problems. So it looks pretty attractive at […]
7 Useful Tips on How to Get Rid of Crepey Skin
As you age, your skin naturally wrinkles and droops downward, especially in certain areas such as your neck, breasts, butt, legs, and stomach. If you’re experiencing the frustration of crepey, wrinkled skin, you’re not alone. Fortunately, there are several easy ways to get rid of crepey skin at home. 1. Moisturize via Moisturizing is important to […]
How To Party Safely During A Pandemic 
The COVID-19 pandemic is a serious global health threat that has changed the way that people live their everyday lives. Some businesses and livelihood were either shut down or transitioned to online enterprising, causing unemployment and a decline in the economy. Schools, colleges, and universities transitioned to online learning. Mall hopping transitioned to online shopping. […]
How to Make Your Period Come Faster – 5 Simple Ways
There are several reasons why a woman would want to have her period come faster. Perhaps you have a weekend planned with your hubby in 2 weeks and want to get it out of the way? Maybe you’re sick and tired of those pesky premenstrual cramps and just want aunt Flo to show! Whatever your […]
10 Best Bosu Balls (Balance Trainer) 2024 – Exercise for Weight Loss and Muscle Toning
If you’re ready to increase your healthy activity level and lose weight, you should definitely be looking at using a Bosu Ball trainer. It’s a great piece of gym equipment you can use at home, so you can exercise when it suits you. And training with a Bosu ball is perfect for improving your core […]
Ketogenic Diets Can Help You Lose Weight? True or False?
Now that obesity and associated metabolic disease are massive global health issues, it’s more important than ever to investigate the safest and most effective weight loss diets. Plenty of advertising was provided free-of-charge by film actors in Hollywood who used the fat-inclusive keto diet to slim down quickly for lucrative film roles! But was the […]
What Is a Ketogenic Diet? Do You Really Know Keto Diet?
The alternative weight-loss regime of a ketogenic or ‘keto’ diet has been talked about everywhere, since Hollywood celebrities revealed they’d used this method to lose weight. But it’s a weight-loss method that has split opinion amongst even the most qualified health professionals. So let’s find out exactly what a ketogenic diet is, how it works […]
3 Best Ways to Avoid Winter Weight Gain
via Winter weight gain is extremely common. In fact, women tend to gain at least five pounds on average every winter. Many women shed these pounds in the spring as the weather gets warmer, but gaining weight at all can be frustrating and discouraging. Gaining weight in the wintertime is totally normal, so there’s nothing to […]
How Working Out Makes You Beautiful
When it comes to binge-watching Netflix with a bag of chips, we’re all for it. But when our friends invite us to their gym we’re looking for a hundred reasons to bail right at the last minute. The problem is that it takes a lot more mental preparation to get out of the house than […]
5 Most Effective Weight Loss Programs for Women of 2024 – U.S. Diet Awards
New Year Resolutions :  Lose weight Fast! These are the Top 5 Best Weight-Loss Programs this year, according to U.S. Health News.  Their health-expert panelists evaluated 38 different diet and exercise programs, before presenting their annual Diet Awards in August.  I’ve selected the Top 5 weight-loss diets based on normal foods you can buy in […]
Health Diets: Best Short-term Diet Tips & Delish Low-Cal Dishes
Healthy eating is essential, but there are some occasions in life when you just need to lose a few pounds fast to look your best for a special event!  Although short-term diets cut your calorie intake dramatically for a week or two, you can still enjoy eating delicious foods.  Forget cold, raw-vegetable-stick-diets and discover easy, […]